Interview With Nat & Marie (Summer Special 2012)

The Summer edition for 2012 brings you the interview with Nat & Marie. After avoiding and being negative towards Canada’s largest city known as Toronto. I had the opportunity and a change of heart for the city as I met up with the lovely ladies. I will admit that meeting Nat & Marie was the first priority over NXNE and I will leave it at that. Overall, they were great to chat with and I wasn’t overly nervous meeting them because I was in my comfort zone while interviewing them on the nice, warm June day (it was a Saturday) in Toronto.
The interview is in three parts and it mainly delves on social media and online culture. Aside from the interview, there’s the usual music and the top 10 being played on the Summer edition show.
Since it’s the Summer, the TV shows that I am watching are Hell’s Kitchen, Masterchef and Dallas. Big Brother is now added to the viewing list.

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