Eventful Weekend – S3E12

With Joel Plaskett at Winterlude 2008
What a weekend! Aside from the debacle on Friday, February 15, 2008. I did enjoy The Joel Plaskett Emergency concert at Winterlude. Not to take pot shots at my friends (well, one of them), I just wish either opened up to any kind of Canadian independent music and try out CBC Radio 3.
After the concert, I had a chance to get meet Joel Plaskett and get picture with him as you from above the entry. It was insanely cold on Friday night. I was able to survive it. I was also wondering if I find Amanda Putz at the concert but to no avail.
Here’s some clips from the concert via YouTube.

Drinking Absinthe
Saturday night was one of a doozy. I had a birthday dinner and a lion dance performance. The birthday dinner was Avant Garde Bar in downtown Ottawa. They serve Russian food and usual drinks and liquors. I finally tried Absinthe because I have been curious for so long. The verdict? Oh my! It has a strong black licorice taste. I did not hallucinate. Don’t worry if I was acting up or passed out drinking it. All in all, it was great to see people there for Saturday but missing were the people I know. Oh well, hopefully they better make it up to me.
As for the lion dance performance prior to returning to Avant Garde Bar and drinking Abinthe, it was for the Mauritius community of Ottawa and it was held at the Bob Macquarrie Recreation Complex in Orleans.
Here’s the clip from the performance (in 2 parts)

Old Stomping Grounds – S3E11

On Saturday morning, I had another lion dance performance at a Chinese school I used to go. It was for their Chinese New Year activities at the Chinese school. I also had this feeling of nostalgia when returning to the Saturday school. All in all, the performance went out well. As you see on the photo on top, that was me doing the Northern Lion.

Another nostalgic moment was this past week when I got in contact with someone back from Chinese school. I really have a good memory when remembering people from the past and it feels nice to keep in touch.

Other funny things to mention in this entry.
I was listening to RTHK Radio 2 and was listening to a program called 百花爭艷二台靚歌喜迎春 (Reunion Songs Special). Alyson Hau was a guest on the show and I never knew she was nervous having to sing on radio, here is her blog entry, http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/alysonhau/article?mid=1044

Due to ever unexpected programming changes at CBC Radio 3, I missed the first hour of Amanda Putz’s program on web radio. Well, I got to listen on Sunday and I foolishly recorded it. Why? She said “Kung Hei Fat Choy.”
Here’s the Youtube clip;

Happy Chinese New Year – The Year of the Rat: S3E10

It’s been awhile I have not written an entry since the beginning of 2008. All I can say it’s Chinese New Year, Kung Hey Fat Choy! It’s the year of the Rat.
Phew, I had 6 performances on Thursday. I will be sore for Friday.
First performance was at Royal Bank on Wellington Street and it went out pretty well.
Second performance was at Algonquin College at their food court to celebrate Chinese New Year for the international students.
Third performance was at retirement home. It was the first time to try out the smaller lion and using the costumed pants.
Fourth performance was at an elementary school near Carleton University. The children participated in becoming a lion. It was great to see smiles out of the children.
Fifth performance was at the Chinese Community building and the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration was on hand for Chinese New Year.
The sixth and final performance (pictured on top) was at Chu Shing Restaurant. It was for the Hong Kong Business Assocation Chinese New Year Banquet.
What a day to have lots of performances.
To finish off the entry, here is the clip from the Chu Shing Restaurant performance.