19 Days After the New Year – S2E17

Finally, I am writing a new entry. I was suppose to write something on New Year’s Day, but I was bogged down and I couldn’t think what to write about.
It’s 2007 and so far, it has been odd. Since December, there was no snow and it was a soggy green Christmas. Also, I couldn’t get a Nintendo Wii. Briefly fast forward to January, which is now and things have been smooth. I was surprised I did well in Peter Hodgins’ Canadian Studies classes. Another slight change in January, I was suppose to have Peter 4 times overall, but I changed around my schedule around and I have Peter two times in the Winter term. Therefore, for the Fall and Winter/Spring term, I have him 5 times.
What does 2007 bring? I am not sure, but I will be happy to finish my courses at Carleton soon.
Looking back on the final 4 months of 2006, I was pleased to meet new people in the Canadian Studies class. It brought on new challenges and plus that I had problems with people in Political Science. My experiences several years ago weren’t as good because I seem to have find people not approachable and mostly snobbish.

To a *wink wink, nudge nudge* to someone who might read this and *hint hint* – I think you are tagged on your Facebook. I hope you like my entry 😀

Oh yea! Last thing, I finally got a Nintendo Wii.