Chinese New Year 2009, Part 4 – S04E14

Group Shot from Pembroke, OntarioThis time, we hit the road to Pembroke, Ontario for a yearly lion dance performance. The troupe has been going to Pembroke for several years. What I like about performing that far to the Ottawa Valley is that there tends to be a small knit Chinese community and it’s been welcoming that we get to perform from faraway. What I like about going to Pembroke is enjoying the food because it is basically a pot luck. There were a mix of Chinese and Western food. For the second year in the row, I decided to bring along a container box and store some leftover food and dessert. All in all, it was good fun being in Pembroke.
More photos are on this link (same photo album),
Also from the photos, there was a performance from earlier in the afternoon and it was at laundry place.  I only Don’t ask why we performed there. It was just an usual place to perform there. I didn’t take photos from the actual lion dance part as I was playing on the cymbals. I only took photos for the short martial arts demonstration for both performances. The photo displayed on top is the group shot in Pembroke.
I almost forgot that the seventh day (Sunday) of Chinese New Year is everyone’s birthday. All I can say is happy birthday to everyone who is reading this entry.
This should be it with the 2009 Chinese New Year – Year of the Ox entries but forgetting that Chinese New Year celebrations will go on for another week.

Chinese New Year 2009, Part 3 – S04E13

Group Shot at Palais du Imperial.On the fifth day of Chinese New Year, I had another liondance performance. This time it was at a Chinese restauarant in downtown Ottawa, the name of the restaurant is Palais Imperial Chinese Restaurant. It was for the Taiwan Students Association for University of Ottawa. Here’s the group photo after the performance.
Before the performance, I had a three hour hang out at Rideau Centre because it has been awhile I had shopped around due to the bus strike. It’s great that the bus strike has ended but the worse part is waiting until February 9 for buses to resume into service. Aside from the bus strike, what struck me by surprise at Rideau Centre were several empty stores. It was almost depressing to see it because of the downtown in the economy. What did I check at Rideau Centre? I was looking for Blu-ray movies but they did not have the one I was looking for. I only ended up getting an Orangesicle from Booster Juice.
After the performance, our group went to Ben-Ben Restaurant on Somerset St. (aka Ottawa Chinatown) for some Chinese food. I also forgot that Raw Sugar Cafe (across from Yangtze Restaurant) had an event. It was event for the launch of Dharma Arts. I didn’t expect to see a friend of my brother’s (he’s a professional photographer) be there. It was totally last minute for me because I wasn’t expecting to go down to Somerset St./Chinatown. It was nice to drop by and a surprise to see Rolf Klausener of The Acorn to be working at Raw Sugar Cafe. I did not get to see another photographer if he was suppose to appear, as I only hung around for not too long. I was totally full from the food at Ben-Ben Restaurant.
Well, I can’t wait to take part of the performance at Pembroke on Saturday.

Chinese New Year 2009, Part 2 – S04E12

Group Shot at Algonquin College
It was a spectacular and hectic day to start off Chinese New Year because I had 5 performances. It started off in the morning at a public school near University of Ottawa, then went to Kanata to a private school and then at noon, it was at Algonquin College. What I loved at Algonquin College was getting free food there. They have the excellent food hospitality. I went for the 1/2 chicken (with veggies and potato wedges), a salad mix, Lemon meringue pie, lemon pudding and 2 bottles of Stewart’s Beverages. I chose Black Cherry and Key Lime (unopened). It has become a tradition on Chinese New Year because I totally love that soda. We finished off with two performances were at retirement homes at different areas at different times. It felt like a marathon of sorts because our troupe kept traveling back and fourth around the area. After the performances, we had a light eat at a Chinese restaurant.
The photo on top is a group shot at Algonquin College. It was taken after the performance.
So far, I am totally exhausted and sore from the performances.
There are several photos taken from the public school at the same link,
That’s all of the lion dance performances until Saturday when it will be at Pembroke.

Chinese New Year, Year of the Ox – S04E11

Kung Hei Fat Choy
everyone and 2009 is the Year of the Ox.
I certainly had a blast on Sunday because it has been awhile that we had a liondance parade down Somerset St., which is Chinatown in Ottawa. As you see from the photo on top, we were parading in the cold through Chinatown. The good thing that I prepared myself by wearing 2 pairs of sock to keep my feet from freezing. Somehow, it took a lot of work to carry the lion and drum through the street. The major downer was that there was suppose to be truck to put the drum on the back and it never came. Luckily there were cops riding in ATVs to assist us on the street. It took about 2 hours to walking around Chinatown. At least it kept the public from being happy to see the lions roam through Chinatown shops and restaurants. Afterwards, we went to a Korean restaurant and chowed down on the BBQ beefs. It was excellent and yummy. What I didn’t realize that I ate so much that I couldn’t eat a lot at a Chinese restaurant later with family and friends. All in all, I could say that it was a packed day to semi-start off Chinese New Year but it was Chinese New Year Eve. It was great to see the gang as well. I couldn’t be any happier.
More photos are on this link, You will see some silly photos and even food.
Monday, the actual start to Chinese New Year, I will have 5 performances and one will be at Algonquin College. It will be definitely fun to go to Algonquin College. I hope to rest up.

Giving a shoutout to Alyson Hau. I know I have not had a chance to contact you for awhile but I got to listen to your Sunday morning or CNY Eve show. It was great to hear you after a 2 week absence, aside from the Lady GaGa spotlight, which I almost wanted to throw up. I also want to wish you a Chinese New Year.

Basia Bulat at The Black Sheep Inn – S04E10

With Basia Bulat at The Black Sheep Inn on January 23, 2009

This is the first entry for 2009, apologies for the lack of updates on the blog at the beginning of January. Thanks to the ongoing bus strike, I have not been able to go a lot concerts. So far, the first concert of 2009 to attend was Basia Bulat at The Black Sheep Inn. It was the fourth time to see her live. The opening act for Basia was Leif Vollebekk. I was surprised to see a very packed crowd as Basia has become popular and a darling in the Canadian indie music scene. It was an awesome performance from the lovely and talented Basia Bulat. The audience were very supportive as they clapped and cheered along to her songs. I even joined along the clapping for some of her songs like “I Was a Daughter”. A very cute moment when the Black Sheep Inn owner’s dog barked at one of Basia’s song and she had to start over. Overall, the Ottawa crowd loves her and she appreciates the support she gets when coming to Ottawa and The Black Sheep Inn.
There you will see the photo of myself and Basia after the concert. The funny thing was part of the entry was written at The Black Sheep Inn using the iPod touch. In a way, I wrote a bit at the venue.
Photos from the concert is on this link,

Due to the delay in blogging to start 2009, I didn’t get to write Happy New Year due to the gloomy bus strike . I forgot to mention that I still miss Amanda Putz on CBC Radio 3. I am saddened that there is no more Ottawa representation for CBC Radio 3. I really enjoy hearing Amanda Putz since her return to Hong Kong back in September 2007. Without her voice, I would not be able to listen to a lot of Canadian indie music and bump into her at concerts. Her final web radio show was on December 31, 2008. I have not written an email to feedback at Radio 3 because I am somewhat stumped on what to write in wanting to bring back Amanda on air again.